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Are you willing to reveal the special price point for receiving something exclusive?


I just got the chance to play through this, I really liked it, Rumina's story was fun to experience! I also REALLY liked how the dithering effect worked to make the lighting in the game feel, I played mostly without the CRT filter and being able to just barely make out things in the distance because of the dithering i thought was really fun and something I personally havent seen much(usually further stuff just gets culled).

The dungeon crawling itself was fun, not giving players a map is usually a choice I personally dont like, but it was very much the correct one for this game, creating a mental map of the areas was fun, though i think the final area could have done with a bit more horizontal exploring.

Thanks so much for playing and for the kind words.  I'm glad you enjoyed :)


Could you please tell how the controls can be remapped? I could not find the option in the Settings menu.


Great story. Very real, and very raw... but by the end of it, it feels like everything is going to be okay! Even though my own life experiences don't match those of the characters, I found them to be relatable and compelling, and I was still able to find bits and pieces of my own experiences within them.

As for the gameplay, I very much appreciate a game that isn't afraid to let itself breathe a bit. Some may not enjoy it, but I find a genuine level of tension in getting lost in these dark hallways  while your health slowly drips away. It's also quite rewarding to commit areas to memory and be able to get further and further each day.

Wonderful work! You should be very proud!


Thank you so much for playing and enjoying!


I enjoyed this game so much!! Well worth the price for a story that spoke to me.


I did notice 1-2 bugs during my play-through.

  • Dying and then loading a save causes the title screen to load over-top of the game, blocking you from seeing anything.
  • I think interacting with a specific object in the final boss encounter causes the fight to end early, unless I had beaten the boss and not yet realized!

Playing on windows 10 with a Nintendo switch controller if that's of any use for bug-fixing!


Thank you for playing and I'm glad the story was able to speak to you, it means a lot to me!

In regards to the bugs:

  • I wasn't able to recreate the title screen issue, so I'm not sure what is going on there.  When I load a save the game continues as normal.
  • I was able to patch this one, as you aren't supposed to be able to interact with it until the boss is dead.

I've uploaded the version with the patch for that bug.  Thanks for the feedback!

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will this game be free.


Congratulations on the release - the game is really impressive, especially for a solo effort.